Pasture-Raised, Dry-Aged, Angus Beef

Firsthand Foods’ beef producers raise their cattle exclusively outdoors on pasture in accordance with NC State University Extension’s guidelines for pasture-raised and finished beef production. Their cattle graze on a diversity of plants, get plenty of exercise, and grow to their mature weight naturally. You can taste the difference these low-stress growing conditions impart. Our producers raise predominantly Angus cattle for their natural marbling. Through innovation and dedication, they have refined a set of pasture management techniques specific to southern growing conditions that consistently yield great taste, quality, and nutrition. Our beef is dry-aged a minimum of 12 days to optimize flavor and tenderness.

Our beef is primarily processed for us by Chaudhry’s Halal Meats in Siler City and bears the halal symbol. Selected products are sometimes processed at Piedmont Custom Meats in Gibsonville. Both are USDA-inspected Animal Welfare Approved small-scale, family-run facilities.

Firsthand Foods’ producers must adhere to strict production protocols and meat quality standards, including no growth-promoting antibiotics or added hormones and limited use of all vegetarian feed. All animals are raised on the farm where they are born to ensure complete traceability.

We’re an open book! We want our community of chefs, retailers and consumers to know and understand how the animals are raised and what goes into the quality beef we are proud to put our name on. We invite you to read our Standards and Farmer Protocols.