Custom Quality Packers

Custom Quality Packers

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We recently had the pleasure of visiting our processing partner, Custom Quality Packers (CQP) in Sims, NC.  CQP is responsible for processing our BBQ hogs that end up at our favorite restaurants, like Picnic and Long Leaf Swine. In addition, when we need to create pork cuts or value-added products, like sausage, we can have that made at their sister-plant, Dean Street Processing, just down the road in Bailey, NC. That’s also where we plan to make our own whole hog BBQ product in the coming months.

It was great to visit and tour the facility to catch up the owner, Barrett Twitty, and learn more about how they he runs his business, the challenges he  encounters and their future plans. We met a few members of the team and observed their commitment to animal welfare, food safety, and quality packaging. It takes dedicated partners like Custom Quality Packers for us to get local, pasture-raised meats out into the world.

Barrett Twitty, Owner, Custom Quality Packers