where to find firsthand foods products

The following caterers & meal service providers use selected Firsthand Foods meats:

The following caterers often use Firsthand Foods’ meats:

Chapel Hill
Goodness Cooks
Snap Pea Catering

Snack Service

Strong Arm Baking

Richmond, VA
Kate Uncorked – Meal Service




Featured Caterer

Snap Pea

Snap Pea grew out of a dinner that Chef/Owner Jacob Boehm made for the final project of a class he took at Stanford in 2012. 

Snap Pea is a small team of cooks who are passionate about creating magical dining experiences. They approach each event as an opportunity to surprise & delight, serving food that is not only creative and delicious, but deeply rooted in North Carolina’s incredible farming community. 

Each of their menus is built around the best ingredients coming from the community of local farms and producers.