Located just outside of Chapel Hill on land that has been in the family since before the Civil War, David and Sheryl Thompson operate Straight T Farms.
Located just outside of Chapel Hill on land that has been in the family since before the Civil War, David and Sheryl Thompson operate Straight T Farms.
The farm has seen its share of changes over the years, including the tragic death of David’s father when David was just 20 years old. For many years, the farm was used to raise livestock and tobacco until 2002 at which point it was mainly used for hay. In 2013 David and Sheryl decided that the draw of the family land and the ability to reconnect with the farm was too strong and moved back to the farm where they began raising cattle.
With both having full time jobs, David and Sheryl never planned to farm full-time, so re-purposing the farm for beef cattle production allowed them the opportunity to maintain their full-time jobs. David is currently the Postmaster in Butner, North Carolina and has been with the US Postal Service for over 34 years. Sheryl is currently a Senior Meeting and Event Planner for the American Board of Pediatrics where she has been employed for over 30 years. Between them, they have raised three children and one grandchild.
David and Sheryl manage 20 Angus brood cows, rotating them and their calves, between different pastures to prevent over-gazing. They share an Angus bull with family who also raises cattle nearby. Straight T Farms took a major hit at the death of Raeford Thompson in 1986, but due to the strong work ethic and love of the land he instilled in David, the farm is once again thriving.